June 26, 2020
Celebrating 5 years of Marriage Equality
Learn more about the years-long effort here.
On the day GLAD’s Mary Bonauto argued the historic marriage equality case at the Supreme Court, she literally had to run to the courthouse, thanks to her errant cab driver:
5 Years After Landmark Gay Marriage Case, Mary Bonauto Says it’s Done Swimmingly Well | ABA Journal

When Mary Bonauto argued for – and won – national marriage equality at the Supreme Court five years ago, it was a victory based on years of organizing, advocacy, and public education:
Five Years Later, How Obergefell Paved the Way for Bostock and the DACA Decision | Slate
The Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage in 2015 brought hope and a sentiment of equality for many couples, but the work did not end there:
LGBTQ Activists: Same-sex Marriage Ruling was ‘No Final Victory” | USA Today
Five years ago today Supreme Court affirmed marriage equality for same-sex couples nationwide with their ruling on Obergefell v. Hodges. Mary L. Bonauto – the attorney who argued that landmark case – answers the questions of how we’re doing now, and what lies ahead, in this special recorded conversation below: