Current Massachusetts law does not equally protect all children and families. Children born to unmarried or LGBTQ+ parents, and children born through assisted reproduction, do not have a direct way to establish their legal relationship to their parents. This leaves them vulnerable and can cause serious harm.

The Massachusetts Parentage Act will update state law to ensure all families are recognized, respected, and protected – regardless of how they are formed.

Our families can’t wait any longer for equal access to family protections. And you can make a difference.

Legislators need to hear from you.

Tell legislators why you support the Massachusetts Parentage Act. Want to make your message even more powerful? Put a face to the issue by sharing a photo of your family.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Fill out the basic information at the top of the form. This lets us send your message to the correct legislator.
  2. Upload a photo of your family to show your legislator the faces behind this effort.
  3. Customize the letter to share why you care about passing the MPA.
  4. Select “Submit” when you are done.
  5. We will print your customized letter along with the photo, then mail or deliver it directly to your lawmaker’s office!