If you have questions about what the Supreme Court’s national marriage equality ruling means to you, here are two FAQs that will help answer them.


Created by GLAD, the American Civil Liberties Union, Freedom to Marry, Human Rights Campaign, Lambda Legal, and National Center for Lesbian Rights, MarriageEqualityFacts.org, includes information on seven topics: Marriage and Wedding PlanningParent-Child RelationshipsSeguridad SocialVeteran’s BenefitsRetirement BenefitsIncome Taxes y Employment Protections.

What the Supreme Court Ruling on the Freedom to Marry Means for Transgender People

GLAD is also teaming up with the National Center for Transgender Equality to make available their FAQ on what the ruling means specifically for transgender people.  Read and download the FAQ here.

These fact sheets are intended to provide general information regarding major areas of marriage-based rights, protections and benefits. Before making a decision, it is essential that same-sex couples consult an attorney for individualized legal advice. It is also important to remember that the particular rights, privileges and benefits of marriage can vary from state to state.