May 12, 2016
Everyone from the American Psychiatric Association to the American Academy of Pediatrics agrees that seeking to change a minor’s sexual orientation or gender identity is not only ineffective, but dangerous.
Yesterday, Governor Shumlin signed a bill that makes Vermont a safer and more welcoming place for LGBTQ youth – by banning the harmful practice of so-called “conversion therapy.” With this historic step, Vermont becomes the first state in New England to join California, New Jersey, Oregon, Illinois, New York, and Washington D.C. in not only protecting LGBTQ youth from this practice, but sending those young people a message that they are perfectly okay. Everyone from the American Psychiatric Association to the American Academy of Pediatrics agrees that seeking to change a minor’s sexual orientation or gender identity is not only ineffective, but dangerous. Vermont has now taken a clear stand that we shouldn’t be attempting to “cure” LGBTQ youth – we should be doing everything we can to let them know that they can be healthy, happy and proud just as they are. Efforts are continuing across the country to end the discredited practice of “conversion therapy.” I hope you’ll join me in thanking the Vermont legislature and Governor Shumlin for taking this important action here in New England. GLAD is proud to have worked with Pride Center Vermont, Outright Vermont, NCLR, and HRC, in organizing the coalition to pass this bill. I look forward to keeping you posted as we continue our work to ensure that no young person anywhere ever again faces the message that it’s not ok to be themselves.