Protecting Families: Standards for LGBT Families
We are incredibly proud of our community’s successes in creating families with children and doing the loving, joyful and challenging work of parenting. Bringing children into a family is a transformative experience and integrates us into the larger community. However, our children are vulnerable to being separated from their parents because the law does not always fully recognize our families.
There are steps you can—and should—take to protect your child’s relationship with his or her parents to prevent that devastation:
- DO obtain legal recognition of your parent-child relationships and make it a top priority! Being busy is not an excuse.
- DO work together to come to an agreement if your relationship ends, especially when you have children. Do not begin by fighting in court. Litigation can bankrupt you, deprive your child of one of his or her parents, and make law that will hurt others for years to come.
There is so much at stake for your children, for you, and for our larger community—PLEASE read on and consider this message.
Read the Standards for LGBT Parents
Organizations Who Have Endorsed These Standards