GLAD’s One Justice Fund
We are facing unprecedented, hateful attacks by an administration determined to strip away our rights and freedoms. GLAD is responding to these attacks with strategic and unwavering resistance—defending freedom and equality in courts and advancing justice for all.
Give Now to the One Justice Fund
GLAD’s One Justice Fund is a $1.7 million investment that will launch the next generation of GLAD’s litigation and advocacy work to defend and advance LGBTQ rights for years to come.
At a critical time for the LGBTQ community, the One Justice Fund will build on GLAD’s winning track record and expertise in litigation, policy and education to:
- Leverage the courts to resist attacks on marriage and parenting rights, and advance transgender protections, employment non-discrimination and more
- Expand legal staff to advance groundbreaking litigation and legal work nationwide—to stop bigotry before it spreads
- Increase rapid-response services of the GLAD Answers infoline to field the surge in daily emergency legal inquiries
- Launch new education and advocacy initiatives to advance strategic, movement-building priorities in LGBTQ civil rights, prioritizing racial and economic justice
Your leadership will enable GLAD’s growth and will allow us to create a future with true justice for all.
Give Now to the One Justice Fund
Questions? If you would like more information about the One Justice Fund, please contact Director of Development Brianna Boggs at (617) 426-1350 or email