New England Public Policy Advocates
The New England Public Policy Advocates is made up of advocacy organizations from all six New England states, working together to learn about current LGBTQ+ legislative advocacy, share lessons learned and resources, and strengthen relationships across the region.
At each convening, members gain:
- A greater understanding of LGBTQ legislative activity in New England
- A shared understanding of best practices and resources for relevant issue areas
- Stronger relationships with other advocates doing LGBTQ legislative work in New England
To learn more or to add your organization to the growing list of New England Public Policy Advocates members, please contact GLAD’s Community Engagement Manager Qwin Mbabazi at qmbabazi@glad.org.
Recent NE Legislative Achievements:
- Commission on older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender adults and their caregivers (M.G.L. ch.3 §71)
- An act relative to criminal justice reform (M.G.L. ch.127 §§32A,39Ac)
- An act relative to abuse practices to change sexual orientation and gender identity in minors (2019 Mass Acts 8)
- An Act To Prohibit the Provision of Conversion Therapy to Minors by Certain Licensed Professionals (2019 Maine Acts 755)
- An Act To Improve Access to HIV Prevention Medications (LD 1115)
- An Act To Ensure the Safety of Children Experiencing Homelessness by Extending Shelter Placement Periods (LD 81)
- An Act To Provide the Right to Counsel for Juveniles and Improve Due Process for Juveniles (LD 320)
- An Act to Update the Maine Parentage Act (LD 222)
- An Act Concerning Name Changes for Minors (LD 209)
- An Act To Protect the Rights of Certain Incarcerated Individuals (LD 1044)
- Benefits for veterans discharged on basis of sexual orientation (Conn. Gen. Stat. 27-102q)
- Provision of training materials re prevention of and intervention in discrimination and harassment against students (Conn. Gen. Stat. 10-222s)
- An act concerning paid family and medical leave (PA 19-25)
- Connecticut Parentage Act (PA 21-15)
New Hampshire:
- Foster Care Children’s Bill of Rights (Section 170-G21V)
- Prohibiting Conversion Therapy on Minors (Section 332-L)
- Discrimination Prevention Policy Required (Section 193-39)
- Discrimination in Public Schools (Section 193-38)
- Sexual Misconduct at Institutions of Higher Education (Section 188-H1/H10)
- An act relative to adoption and parentage (HB 1162, 2020 Session)
- Definitions (VT Stat. Tit. 33 Sec. 6203)
- An act relating to limiting criminal defenses based on victim identity (VT Stat. Tit. 13 Sec. 6566)
- Emergency service provider wellness commission (VT Stat. Tit. 18 Sec. 7257b)
Rhode Island:
- Change in treatment of certain discharges (RI Gen. Stat. § 30-18-3)
- RI Uniform Parentage Act (SB 0789, HB 6707)
- Fair Housing Practices Act (SB 563, HB 6125)
- Gender Inclusive Restroom Act (HB 5741, SB 755)
- An act relating to labor and labor relations – Fair Employment Practices (HB 5261, SB 0270)
Pending NE Bills:
- An Act to ensure LGBTQ representation within the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (S. 2068)
- Massachusetts Parentage Act (Bill S.77)
- Confirmatory Adoption Act (S 1124, H 1712)
- An Act Enabling Pharmacists to Prescribe, Dispense, and Administer PrEP (S 1407)
- An Act Establishing the Massachusetts Foster Care Review Office (S 88, H 211)
- An Act Relative to Gender Identity on Massachusetts Identification (S 2282, H 3521)
- An Act Providing for a Gender Neutral Designation on State Documents and Identifications (H 3126)
- An Act to Promote Rehabilitation Including Guaranteed Health, Treatment, and Safety for Incarcerated LGBTQI+ People (RIGHTS Act) (S 1566, H 2484)
- An Act Improving Juvenile Justice Data Collection (S 1558, H 1795)
- An Act to Stop Profiling Transgender People and Low-Income Women (S 992. H 1800)
- An Act Relative to HIV Prevention Access for Young Adults (H 2349, S 1404)
- An act concerning amendments to marriage certificates (Substitute House Bill No. 6549)
- An act concerning a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer health and human services network (Substitute for Raised H.B. No. 7359)