Massachusetts Parentage Act: Written Testimony Guide

November 2023

Thank you for your support of the Massachusetts Parentage Act (MPA) – H.1713/S.947!

On November 14, 2023 the MPA had a hearing before the Joint Judiciary Committee.

You can make an impact now by submitting official testimony in writing.

Below, you will find a template for written testimony that we hope will help make it quick and easy for you to make sure your voice is heard.

Kindly adapt this letter to voice YOUR reasons for supporting the MPA, to share your personal passion for this issue – and to tell legislators why they should support the MPA as well.

To submit testimony, please email it to and CC: with the email subject line: Testimony in Support of the MA Parentage Act (H.1713/S.947).

Thank you for advocating with us to update parentage laws in the Commonwealth so that they reflect the rich diversity of families in our state and protect ALL children in Massachusetts!

Download a PDF of this guide.

Testimony Letter Template

[Use letterhead, if applicable]

Joint Committee on Judiciary
Massachusetts Legislature
State House
Boston, MA 02133

Dear Senate Chair Eldridge, Senate Vice Chair Edwards, House Chair Day, House Vice Chair Barber, and Members of the Judiciary Committee,

I write in support of An Act to Ensure Legal Parentage Equality, otherwise known as the Massachusetts Parentage Act or MPA. The House bill, H.1713, is led by Representatives Sarah Peake and Hannah Kane. The Senate bill, S.947, is led by Senators Julian Cyr and Bruce Tarr.

The MPA will update the parentage law in the Commonwealth, ensuring that all Massachusetts children have equal access to legal parent-child relationships, regardless of the circumstances of their birth, or the marital status, gender, or sexual orientation of their parents. This is critical to the security and well-being of children. It will also increase security and equality for LGBTQ+ families across the state.

Massachusetts case law has evolved in this area, but none of the protections in the case law have been codified in our statutes. Every other New England state has passed these protections. This legislation would end the inconsistent application of the law across the Commonwealth that leaves children vulnerable.

[Who you are and why you care about this issue]

This legislation is critical because [Include the reason(s) that are most important to you]

Thank you for your consideration of my testimony in support of the MPA, H.1713/S.947, and please report the bill favorably.

[Home Address (if Massachusetts resident) and/or Work Address (if applicable)]
[Email Address]

The MPA Coalition has additional information and a fact sheet at