April 8, 2021
Across the Commonwealth, children are left vulnerable because of outdated and discriminatory laws that fail to recognize their relationship to their parents.
Learn more directly from J, a parent who has been fighting for the full legal recognition of her relationship to her son for the last 11 years:
Contact your legislators today and tell them to protect children and families by co-sponsoring the Massachusetts Parentage Act.
The Massachusetts Parentage Act will affirm and protect our families, ensuring that all children can access the security of legal parentage.
Sign up for updates on the legislation by joining the Massachusetts Parentage Act Coalition, a coalition of families and community organizations working to update parentage in the state.
Together we can build support for this critical legislation. Our families can’t wait any longer for equal access to family protections. Love makes families, and we need our laws to protect them. It’s time to get the Massachusetts Parentage Act passed this session!
Sign up for updates and action alerts to help pass the Massachusetts Parentage Act. If your family has experience with the state’s outdated parentage laws, share your story below and help build support for this essential legislation.