Last updated: February 3, 2025

Information for LGBTQ+ People Under the Trump Administration

As expected, we’ve seen multiple directives coming from the Trump administration in its first two weeks with the potential to affect the lives of LGBTQ+ people and their families.

This is an evolving situation, and we know it is already causing stress, worry, and harm in our communities. 

What we can all do now is support one another, take steps to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities, and plug in to help shape a better future whenever and however we are able. 

GLAD Law will continue to use the law as a tool to slow, stop, and reverse harmful policies – and promote positive ones – and we will continue to support our community with information about your rights and what steps you can take to protect them.

Below is information we have compiled in response to actions at the federal level. Everyone’s situation will be different, and this should not be taken as legal advice. We encourage you to determine what the right steps are for you and to consult with a lawyer when needed.

If you have additional questions or are looking for a lawyer or other resource referral, reach out to GLAD Law Answers

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This page will be updated as time goes on, so please check back.

Marriage and Relationship Protections 

We are prepared to challenge any attempt to reverse the Supreme Court’s 2015 marriage equality decision. Additional protections for marriage also exist at the federal level through the Respect for Marriage Act and at the state level in New England and several other states. 

However, we know that many people are worried about what could happen in the future, and there are steps you can take to protect your relationship.

In the joint FAQ, Protecting Your LGBTQ+ Marriage and Family, GLAD Law has collaborated with COLAGE, Family Equality, Movement Advancement Project (MAP), and the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) to answer our families’ most pressing questions.

Family Protections 

While marriage and having both parents’ names on a birth certificate do offer some protection for families, the most secure option is to have a court decree of parentage. This can be through a co-parent adoption or a court judgment.  

New England has many protections for LGBTQ+ families, including for parents who are not married. There are steps you can take to protect your parent-child relationship, depending on which state you are in and how your family is formed.


Health Care Access 

We understand that President Trump’s Executive Order on federal funding relating to health care for transgender people has created real anxiety about potential barriers to health care access. 

This executive order, like the laws passed in 26 states banning access to care, will be challenged in court. It’s important to remember that a president’s powers are not unlimited—the constitution, federal courts and our democratic system serve as a defense against this type of overreach. 

The implementation of this order also cannot happen overnight. There is no immediate legal reason for hospitals or clinics to change the care they are providing to transgender youth. While we have unfortunately heard reports of a handful of hospitals pausing care, the majority are continuing to provide care as usual.

We encourage you to discuss any concerns about continuity of care with your current medical provider. Here are some questions to consider.


We have already seen many attempts at the state and local level to reverse protections for LGBTQ+ students and censor what students can learn about themselves and others. The Trump administration has indicated a desire to broaden attacks on schools and undermine public education. We can all be prepared to get involved at the local level to protect vital access to education for all students. 

A Message for Parents: Your child’s public school still has the same obligations to provide a quality education for every student and an environment where all students can learn. This Executive Order focuses on funding mechanisms, but it does not change the fundamental rights your child has in school and to get an education. Teachers and administrators still have a responsibility to provide support, services and appropriate accommodations for all students.

  • What you can do: Get or stay involved. Now is a crucial time to stay engaged with your school and local school community. Communicate with your child’s teachers and advocate for your child’s needs. If you can, attend school board meetings. Parents’ voices in local education decisions matter more than ever, and strong parent involvement helps ensure schools remain accountable to all families in our communities. Working together, parents and other community members can act to support quality education for everyone.

A Message for Schools: The daily hard work of teachers and school administrators is critical to ensuring every student has the opportunity to learn and achieve. While this Executive Order focuses on funding-mechanisms, the legal obligations our public schools have to protect all students’ right to learn remain unchanged.  No Executive Order can change the expertise and dedication teachers bring to supporting every learner in the classroom. Fostering supportive environments where every student feels valued and can thrive is as important as ever.

Every New England state has protections for LGBTQ+ students in public schools, and many courts have affirmed that federal Title IX protections apply to LGBTQ+ students. Learn more about rights under Title IX.

We encourage you to ask about your school’s policies, and to visit our state-specific Know Your Rights in School pages for more information and other organizations to reach out to for help.

Identity Documents and Name Changes 

If you want to update your identity documents and/or secure a legal name change, there are resources available to you. 

Visit our Transgender ID Project for self-directed guides for each of the New England states. In many cases, these are changes you can make on your own. However, if you have a more complex situation or need assistance, we can pair you with a pro bono attorney. Please note there may be a wait to be matched with an attorney given high demand. 

Learn more about identity document updates for transgender people.

Other Protections 

New England states have a range of important non-discrimination protections that cover employment, housing, health care, and public spaces. Visit our state-specific pages for more information about specific protections and to understand how to work with state non-discrimination commissions if you face discrimination. 

This is also a time for all of us to engage with pro-equality state and local leaders to ensure the most robust protections at the state level and to act as a barrier against harmful federal policies.

Online Safety 

Some people may be considering scaling back how public they are online at this time. We have a Digital Safety Guide with steps you can take to increase online security. 

Learn more about executive orders and how they impact our community.