September 26, 2012
Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) and the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) reacted with disappointment today to the Commonwealth’s announcement that it will appeal the district court decision which established that gender reassignment surgery is necessary medical care for prisoner Michelle Kosilek.
Gunner Scott, Executive Director of MTPC said, “We are very disappointed that the Commonwealth has decided to go in this direction. Care that is medically necessary for prisoners cannot be denied based on public opinion.”
Jennifer Levi, Transgender Rights Project Director for GLAD said, “Constitutional rights belong to everyone, even the least loved, least popular people among us. Prisoners have a right to necessary medical care, and this is indisputably medical care, as the very strong district court decision established.”
She added, “There really is no legal ground for this appeal. We believe the district court decision is very solid and will stand.”
Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders is New England’s leading legal organization dedicated to ending discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and HIV status.
The Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition is dedicated to ending discrimination on the basis of gender identity and gender expression.