Youth Organizations | National
- Advocates for Youth partners with young people and their adult allies to champion youth rights to bodily autonomy and build power to transform policies, programs and systems to secure sexual health and equity for all youth.
- AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts is New England’s largest provider of services to people living with HIV/AIDS and populations at risk of infection.
- Athlete Ally educates athletic communities at all levels — sport governing bodies, teams, and individual athletes — to understand obstacles to inclusion for LGBTQ people in sports and how they can build inclusive communities on their teams or within their organizations.
- Big Sister Association of Greater Boston‘s mission is to ignite girls’ passion and power to succeed through positive mentoring relationships with women and enrichment programs that support girls’ healthy development.
- Bisexual Resource Center works to connect the bi+ community and help its members thrive through resources, support, and celebration.
- Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Youth (BAGLY) is a youth-led, adult-supported organization committed to social justice, and creating, sustaining and advocating for programs, policies and services for the LGBTQ+ youth community.
- Boston Children’s Hospital is committed to providing comprehensive and affirming treatment to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) patients and families. They are enhancing the health of LGBTQ+ patients and families by understanding and addressing the gaps in their care, while creating a welcoming hospital environment inclusive of the entire LGBTQ+ community.
- Boston Gay & Lesbian Adolescent Social Services (GLASS) is offering in-person HIV/STI testing, treatment, and PrEP for LGBTQ+ youth ages 16-29.
- Boston HIV Adolescent Provider and Peer Education Network for Services (HAPPENS) provides services to youth ages 12 to 24 years who are HIV positive or at risk for the disease and other sexually transmitted diseases. HAPPENS offers free HIV counseling and testing for young adults ages 13 and older, and free sexual transmitted infections and viral hepatitis testing for young adults ages 13 to 24.
- Boston Mobilization develops and empowers teen leaders for social justice. Through popular education, community organizing and connecting across difference, our teen leaders move local communities toward justice.
- Bridge provides effective and innovative services to runaway, homeless and high-risk youth, helps youth avoid a lifetime of dependency on social services, guides youth towards self-sufficiency, and enables youth to transform their lives and build fulfilling, meaningful futures.
- COLAGE unites people with one or more lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and/or asexual parent into a network of peers and supports them as they nurture and empower each other to be skilled, self-confident, and just leaders in our collective communities.
- Fenway Health is committed to providing high quality, culturally competent care and services to all of our patients, including trans and gender diverse youth. They also conduct research and education and engage in advocacy to expand care for and protect the rights of trans and gender diverse youth across the United States.
- GLSEN (Gay Lesbian, Straight Education Network) ensures that every member of every school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
- GSA Network is a next-generation LGBTQ racial and gender justice organization that empowers and trains queer, trans and allied youth leaders to advocate, organize, and mobilize an intersectional movement for safer schools and healthier communities.
- History Unerased encourages confidence in delivering LGBT and other erased histories through the mentoring and support of educators — by educators.
- Human Rights Campaign (HRC) envisions a world where every member of the LGBTQ+ family has the freedom to live their truth without fear, and with equality under the law.
- Home to Hope provides targeted outreach, support, and advocacy services for unaccompanied homeless LGBTQ youth and young adults, and training to those working with youth. Using teams of peers, they connect with youth and young adults (ages 13-24) on the street and in community spaces. With a growing network of collaborators, they support homeless youth and young adults as they seek health and stability.
- NAGLY is a place where youth can discuss issues of importance to them, explore their identities, build self-awareness, and learn skills for being safe and healthy. Through group building and community service opportunities, the youth and staff at NAGLY have created a strong community that promotes respect for self and for others.
- InterACT – Advocates for Intersex Youth uses innovative legal and other strategies, to advocate for the human rights of children born with intersex traits.
- It Gets Better Project uplifts, empowers, and connects lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) youth around the globe.
- LGBT National Helpline provides vital peer support, community connections, and resource information. Their services focus on sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression.
- LGBT National Youth Talkline provides a confidential safe space where callers of any age can speak about sexual orientation or gender identity/expression issues. This includes coming out issues, relationship concerns, family, bullying, school issues, HIV/AIDS anxiety, safer sex information, suicide, and much more.
- Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth advises others in state government on effective policies, programs, and resources for LGBTQ youth.
- More Than Words is a nonprofit social enterprise that empowers system-involved youth to take charge of their lives by taking charge of a business. They also have a youth-led advocacy group and youth housing model.
- Out Now is a LGBTQ+ youth group dedicated to promoting health & well-being, self-determination, and community building through anti-oppression organizing and peer support. They provide a safe space for queer youth & allies who are 22 and under to learn about themselves, develop lasting friendships and leadership skills, explore LGBTQ+ history, and so much more.
- OUT MetroWest builds communities where LGBTQ+ youth thrive. Their free programs connect LGBTQ+ youth with supportive peers and LGBTQ+ adult role models.
- PFLAG is the first and largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and their families.
- Queer Youth Assemble is a queer youth-led nonprofit serving queer youth under 25 in the US.
- Safe Homes is a program supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people, and their straight allies, between the ages of 14 and 23. The group is led by youth peer leaders, professional staff, and volunteers who offer support, resources, and opportunities for socialization in a safe and nurturing environment.
- Safe Schools for All is a coalition of LGBTQ+ supporting organizations that shares information on how rights of LGBTQ+ students in schools.
- SAYFTEE is a socially conscious group practice offering a range of services including family therapy, individual therapy, couple/relationship therapy, groups, workshops, training, consultation, and supervision.
- Silver Lining Mentoring empowers youth in foster care to thrive through committed mentoring relationships and the development of essential life skills. We are one of only a few mentoring organizations in the country exclusively focused on youth impacted by foster care.
- Student Immigrant Movement (SIM) has been committed to empowering immigrant students through advocacy, training, mobilizing, and organizing. They welcome all young people regardless of immigration status who support their mission to get involved.
- The Island Wide Youth Collaborative (IWYC), a Massachusetts Family Resource Center, provides services for at-risk families, young people and community members. The goal of a Family Resource Center is to support families to strengthen their bonds, connect to others and engage in their community.
- The Trevor Project’s mission is to end suicide among LGBTQ young people.
- Thrive at CIGSYA (The Cape & Islands Gay & Straight Youth Alliance) is a community-based alliance of young people from fourteen to twenty-two that exists to improve the lives of LGBTIQQS (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning and straight) youth on Cape Cod and the Islands by addressing key risk factors such as the self hate, isolation and fear, which are often prevalent in their lives.
- Trans Athlete is a resource for students, athletes, coaches, and administrators to find information about trans inclusion in athletics at various levels of play.
- Trans Lifeline connects trans people to the community support and resources they need to survive and thrive.
- Voices of Liberation is dedicated to empowering youth to change their lives and the conditions of their communities through education, coalition building, organizing and direct action.
- Waltham House – The Home for Little Wanderers is the first residential group home in New England designed specifically for LGBTQ+ youth, and was among the first of its kind in the nation when it opened in 2002. Its founding principles are that every child deserves to live in an environment in which they feel safe, respected, supported and cared for by those around them.
- Youth Pride, Inc.‘s mission is to meet the unique, ongoing needs of LGBTQ+ youth and young adults through direct service, support, advocacy, and education.
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