August 3, 2015
GLAD joins organizations across the country in the following letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner:
As organizations committed to ensuring that quality health care is affordable and available in communities across the country, we are writing to strongly urge you to abandon ideologically-driven efforts focused on undermining women’s access to Planned Parenthood health centers.
Planned Parenthood is the most trusted women’s health care provider in this country, and has been for nearly 100 years. There are 2.7 million women, men and young people across the country each year who depend on Planned Parenthood for basic, preventive health care — routine examinations, cancer screenings, contraceptive services, and HIV and STI testing and treatment. One in five women in America will rely on Planned Parenthood for health care in her lifetime. For many Americans, Planned Parenthood is their main health care provider.
This is just the latest political attack on women’s health – and a clear cynical and coordinated effort designed to undermine this essential health care provider. The group behind this fraud has done 10 separate attack campaigns like this over the last eight years. The real agenda here is becoming clearer every day – they want to ban abortion and to defund Planned Parenthood.
Both political organizations and members of Congress have made defunding Planned Parenthood and other women’s health care providers a top legislative priority. These false claims are being used to advance a political agenda that will cut 2.7 million people off of birth control, lifesaving cancer screenings, STD testing and treatment, and other preventive health care services.
We represent a broad range of organizations, but we are bound by a commitment to ensuring all people can access the care they need to lead healthy and productive lives. We strongly urge you to focus on issues people in America care about most, and reject these ideological attacks that aim to take health care away from millions.
- ACCESS Women’s Health Justice
- Advocates for Youth
- Alliance for Citizenship
- America Votes
- American Civil Liberties Union
- American Federation of Teachers
- Americans United for Separation of Church and State
- Astraea Lesbian Foundation For Justice
- Ballot Initiative Strategy Center
- BiNet USA
- Bisexual Resource Center
- Blueprint
- Bonanza Oil Co., Dallas, TX
- Br ache the Silence
- CAEAR Coalition
- Casa de Esperanza
- Catholics for Choice
- Center for Popular Democracy
- Center for Reproductive Rights
- CenterLink: The Community of LGBT Centers
- Communications Workers of America
- Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals
- Democracy Alliance
- Demos
- EMILY’s List
- Freedom to Marry
- Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders
- GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality
- Human Rights Campaign
- In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda
- Institute for Science and Human Values, Inc
- International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
- Intimate Health Consulting
- Jewish Women International
- Lambda Legal
- Latino Commission on AIDS
- LatinoJustice PRLDEF
- Make It Work Campaign
- Marriage Equality USA
- Movement Advancement Project
- MoveOn.org
- NARAL Pro-Choice America
- National Abortion Federation
- National Action Network
- National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF)
- National Black Gay Men’s Advocacy Coalition
- National Black Justice Coalition
- National Center for Lesbian Rights
- National Domestic Workers Alliance
- National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health
- National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund
- National Partnership for Women & Families
- National Women’s Law Center
- People For the American Way
- Physicians for Reproductive Health
- Population Connection Action Fund
- Population Institute
- Pride at Work
- Reproductive Health Technologies Project
- Roosevelt Institute | Campus Network
- Service Employees International Union
- Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S. (SIECUS)
- Sierra Club
- The Atlas Project
- The Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program
- Trans People of Color Coalition
- Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund
- Unitarian Universalist Association
- USAction
- Voices for Progress
- Voto Latino
- We Belong Together
- Women for Women
- Women’s Voices. Women Vote Action Fund
- Working Families Party
- ACCESS Women’s Health Justice
- AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts
- AIDS Alabama
- Bonanza Oil Co., Dallas, TX
- Cascade AIDS Project
- Child and Family Resources, Inc.
- Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Fund
- Easter Seals Blake Foundation
- Hyacinth AIDS Foundation
- Indy Feminists
- Lillians List of NC
- MassEquality
- Minnesota AIDS Project
- NARAL Pro-Choice Montana
- NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia
- New York civil liberties union
- North Carolina Women United
- One Colorado
- Pro-Choice Arizona
- Progress Missouri
- Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada
- ProgressNow Arizona
- ProgressNow New Mexico
- ProgressVA
- Southwest Women’s Law Center
- State Representative Sarah Roberts
- The Health Initiative
- Women for Women
- AIDS Action Baltimore
- Arizona Women’s Care
- Blue mt clinic
- Callen-Lorde Community Health Center
- Center for Community Solutions
- Center on Policy Initiatives
- Community Extension Programs, Inc.
- DC Abortion Fund
- Employee Rights Center
- Hudson Pride Connections Center
- Hyacinth AIDS Foundation
- Kalamazoo Gay Lesbian Resource Center
- Kara Kushaney
- LGBT Network
- Long Island Gay and Lesbian Youth
- Memphis Gay and Lesbian Community Center
- New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project
- NO/AIDS Task Force (d.b.a. CrescentCare)
- Politica NC
- Politica NC
- Pride Center of Staten Island
- Pridelines Youth Services
- Private citizen
- Rainbow Center
- San Francisco AIDS Foundation
- The LOFT: LGBT Community Service
- Triangle Community Center, Inc.