Native Bostonian Raffi Freedman-Gurspan, Director for External Relations for National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) and the first openly transgender person to hold a position as a White House political staffer, will be honored by GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders on Wednesday, June 21 in Washington, DC.

“GLAD couldn’t be more pleased to honor Raffi, our longtime friend and partner,” said Janson Wu, GLAD’s Executive Director. “Raffi’s work on the Massachusetts transgender non-discrimination bill between 2009 and 2011 was foundational to its success. It’s our good fortune to be her home state, and it’s the country’s good fortune to enjoy her leadership at the national level.”

In her current position at NCTE, Freedman-Gurspan oversees public education and field organizing operations for the organization. Her career includes prior employment at NCTE as Policy Advisor for the Racial and Economic Justice Initiative; Legislative Director in the Massachusetts House of Representatives; and LGBT Liaison for the City of Somerville, Massachusetts.

As the White House LGBT liaison under former President Barack Obama, she served as a critical link to the community, including at times of stress, such as in the aftermath of the Pulse nightclub shooting.

“In every role, Raffi has been a powerful advocate for equality, focused, dedicated, and – so important in social justice movements – a warm and kind presence at any table and in any coalition,” said Jennifer Levi, GLAD’s Transgender Rights Project Director. “She’s an incredible role model for women, LGBTQ people, and people of color.”

Justice for All will take place at the offices of Jenner & Block (1099 New York Avenue, NW) from 6pm – 8pm. Lindsay Harrison, Luke Platzer, and Cliff Sloan are the event’s co-chairs. More about the event, including ticket information, can be found at