Connecticut Birth Certificate Tool Kit
Step by Step Directions for Changing Gender and Name on a Connecticut Birth Certificate
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The Connecticut General Assembly has recently amended the process for changing gender markers on birth certificates. Governor Malloy signed the bill into law on June 24, 2015 and the changes go into effect on October 1, 2015.
As a result of these changes, surgery will no longer be required to amend the gender marker on your birth certificate. Gender markers can now be changed with proof from a health care provider stating that you have “undergone surgical, hormonal, or other treatment clinically appropriate for the applicant for the purpose of gender transition.” This proof can be provided by a physician, advanced practice registered nurse or psychologist.
No particular procedure is required, and it is not necessary to list surgeries or medical procedures that have been undertaken.
I. Applicant Affidavit
Submit an affidavit, which is a written request signed under penalty of law, where you state:
“I, [Name of Applicant], under the pains and penalties of perjury, declare that I have undergone appropriate treatment for the purpose of gender transition based on contemporary clinical standards, and that I am no longer the gender recorded on my current birth certificate. I am therefore requesting that the gender marker on my birth certificate be changed from [Female/Male] to [Female/Male].”
II. Medical Provider Affidavit
Note: You can find a Medical Provider Affidavit form at the CT Department of Public Health website.
Submit a notarized affidavit from a physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or psychologist, who is licensed to practice in Connecticut, or in another state, that states:
“I, [Name of Provider], declare under the pains and penalties of perjury that I am a licensed [Physician/ Advanced Practice Registered Nurse/Psychologist] in good standing in [State]. I have treated and/or evaluated [Name of Applicant]. I make this affidavit in support of [Name of Applicant]’s request that the gender marker on the birth certificate be changed from [Female/Male] to [Female/Male].
I certify that [Name of Applicant] has undergone surgical, hormonal, or other treatment clinically appropriate for the applicant for the purpose of gender transition.”
III. Name Change
If you also wish to change the name on your birth certificate, include this request in your applicant affidavit and include proof of your legal name change. If you have not yet legally changed your name, and you are a resident of Connecticut, you may apply to the Probate or Superior Court for a name change.
Probate Court Name Change Process:
- Fill out application for PC-900 for adult or PC-901 for minor;*
- Submit an affidavit form PC-910 for adult or PC-910A for minor;*
- Submit a certified copy of your birth certificate;
- Provide the court with two forms of identification, including at least one form of photographic identification;
- Pay a filing fee of $150.00.
*The forms can be obtained at your local probate court or online at
For complete information about the process, go to:
IV. Submitting forms
Send the required documents to:
Vital Records Office
Department of Public Health
410 Capital Avenue
Hartford, CT 06134
For more information, visit
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