In Foster Care? A Group Home? Getting DCF Services?

You have the right to be treated with care and respect, and to be affirmed for who you are.

You have the right to safe and appropriate placements in the child welfare system, free from discrimination and harassment based on your sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. 

You have the right to be free from harassment and abuse based on actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity or expression in foster care placements. This means that you should be protected from both physical and emotional harm in placements and should be placed with caretakers who will ensure your safety and wellbeing outside the home. 

You have the right to be open about your sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. 

You have the right to be identified by the name and pronouns that accord with your gender identity and to wear clothing consistent with your gender identity. 

Massachusetts law protects you from having a therapist try to change your sexual orientation or gender identity. 

You have the right to equal treatment and to access appropriate services for your sexual orientation or gender identity or expression while in the child welfare system. 

You must have access to appropriate medical or mental health care. 

You should be treated equally to heterosexual and gender conforming youth, including about age appropriate displays of affection. 

You should have access to supportive materials and resources, including to GSA‘s at schools and to community support groups.